
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Last Week in Kigali for a While

As many of you know, we will be returning to Toronto shortly.  Rwanda has become a fascinating place for me personally.  Because of the warm weather, sunshine, and unprocessed foods, I believe that my health has improved.  There are genuinely loving people here who have nothing to offer but their kind smiles and the strength of their youth.  (Contrary to the West, I have seen only very few 'old' people here.  They call me "Mama" and my husband "Papa".)

The 50th anniversary celebrations at the stadium near our house inspired me.  There wasn't one empty seat and no one was forced to attend.  Most of the speeches were in English.  There was a marching band, soldiers parading, a special combat display of karate-type movements, a comedy skit on the field showing three women physically defending themselves against a bunch of good-for-nothing young men, and singing.  President Kagame spoke about the need for the citizens not to think of themselves as 'victims' but to seek to leave a better country for its children than what they as adults had inherited.

 So, this will probably be my last post on this particular blog.  Here are my latest pictures...

Bouganvillia on our front iron fence.

Our front yard overlooking a park.  Lots of birds including very elegant eagles spiralling between us and the heavens.  When they catch something, they sit on our power poles to eat it letting any 'fluff' fall to the ground.

This is Ezekial, our guardian with his matchete.  The bottom end is used to swipe at the tough grass to cut it.

Fabrice, Yusuf's soccer friend invited him to a family wedding engagement party.

Girls serving ice tea with honey.

The bride being escorted into the party.

Bridesmaids with Miss Rwanda (I think) on the left.

The betrothed couple.  Very gentle people with extended family bonds and self-respect.

Professional dancers.

The 'wall flowers'.

So much lovely sunshine here now that the heavy rains stopped end of May.  Winter here now with very cool nights and hot sun in the afternoon.  This is on the front steps of our house.  I had this dress sewn from a thick cotton batik material.  My hair is very long now and tied back.

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